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North Andover School Committee-Spring 2024 Educator Hall of Fame Nominee

North Andover School Committee-Spring 2024 Educator Hall of Fame Nominee

North Andover School Committee

North Andover, Massachusetts

  Spring 2024 Educator Hall of Fame Nominee


The Educator Hall of Fame Selection Committee met to discuss the potential nominees.

The Committee consisted of VC Joe Hicks, Alissa Koenig, Mary Hellen Paradise, Jane Broderick, and Greg Landry.

The Committee unanimously decided to recommend Mrs. Lisa Bernard to the whole School Committee for consideration into the

North Andover Public Schools Educator Hall of Fame.  

Mrs. Bernard was an outstanding educator at the Bradstreet Early Childhood Center and later at the Atkinson School. She worked in NAPS from 1985-2008. She was a superb role model and colleague, and offered a hand to anyone in need. 

She was an exceptional Kindergarten teacher, who made her classroom a delightful and safe space for her young learners. Lisa was incredibly welcoming and thoughtful, evidenced by her commitment to make sure that students with allergies could learn in a safe"peanut free" space. In fact, her planning and classroom routines were used as a model. She created a "musical extravaganza of unparalleled proportion" that allowed each student to become a star. In one year as their teacher, Lisa always prepared her students for school-ready first graders. 

Furthermore, Mrs. Bernard helped inspire a new generation of teachers by mentoring and hosting student teachers. 

The public is invited to give public comment on Mrs. Bernard's nomination on the evening of June 20, 2024 during the School Committee meeting at 7:00pm.