Academic Summer School
Academic Summer School 2024
Attendance Policy: Students must attend ALL sessions to receive credit for the course. No absences will be permitted for any reason.
* Registration is not complete until payment is made in full. Courses are filled on a first come- first served basis.
* Refunds are issued if the student is withdrawn one week prior to the start of the course. No refunds will be issued once the course has begun.
* Transportation is the responsibility of the parent/student
NAHS Summer Session 2024
Dates: TBD
Session 1: 8:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Session 2: 10:45 AM - 1:15 PM
Why Summer Session?
-Credit Recovery
- Academic Support
- Enrichment
The goal of North Andover Summer Session is to provide students with an opportunity to build skills and recover credit while participating in a positive school experience. Small classes and engaging content foster an atmosphere of learning that is enjoyable and can turn a frustration with school into confidence in the classroom.
Courses offered
- Algebra I/Algebra II
- Scientific Method (Science)
- Analysis and Voice Through Literature and Writing (English)
Web-based Edgenuity courses available.
COST for full courses: $250 for one course or $350 for two courses
COST for credit recovery: $125/2.5 credits [12.5 hours] or $250/5 credits [25 hours}
Questions? Contact Conor Meehan at
Location: North Andover High School