Breakfast Club Before School Program
Breakfast Club is available to students in grades K – 5. Parents must provide transportation to this program and must bring their children into the building when dropping them off. A healthy breakfast is served daily with games, quiet time and free play enjoyed until the children begin their school day.
Parent Handbook: Click Here
Families interested in applying for financial assistance with the Breakfast Club before school program must complete the form for free and reduced lunch benefits School lunch app
2024 - 2025 Registration opens on May 1, 2024 for all families currently enrolled in Breakfast Club. Registration for all new families will open on June 1, 2024 (9am) and remain open until all spots have filled.
Snow Policy: when there is a delayed opening to school, the before school program is cancelled
Questions? Please email or
To register for the Breakfast Club program or make tuition payments, please click on the red “Community Pass Online Portal” button at the top left of the page
Fee Schedule
Elementary 1st - 5th Bradstreet - Kindergarten
5 Days per week $186.00 per month $212.00 per month
4 Days per week $151.00 per month $173.00 per month
3 Days per week $123.00 per month $141.00 per month
2 days per week $90.00 per month $103.00 per month
Kittredge School Hours 7:00 - 8:25AM 978-884-0804
Atkinson School Hours: 7:00 - 8:25AM 978-476-6603
Sargent School Hours: 7:00 – 8:25AM 978-994-5477
Thomson School Hours: 7:00 – 8:25AM 978-725-3680
Franklin School Hours: 7:00 – 8:25AM 978-476-1429
ABECC Kind Hours: 7:00 - 8:35AM 978-476-6398
Online Registration and Payments
The North Andover Public Schools and Community Programs has partnered with Capture Point to create an online payment center called “Community Pass". This partnership allows for online registrations and payments to be made 24/7.
Registration Fees
Payments can be made online electronically by using either Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express and ACH checking. Please note that there is a convenience fee for all online payments. (Credit Cards Approximately 2.95% and EFT .40 cents) You may also register online and pay via paper check by clicking sign up - no payment at check out
Where do I go to register in person?
Community Programs, 566 Main St. North Andover, Ma. 01845.
Tuition Assistance
Tuition assistance is offered to those families that currently receive free or reduced lunch benefits. If you are interested in applying for tuition assistance, please contact us at 978-794-3080.