Caregivers must monitor their children each day for COVID-19 symptoms and should not send their child to school when sick.
By sending children to school, a caregiver is self-certifying that their child does not have COVID-19 symptoms and that they have considered possible exposure to COVID and made the appropriate decision per these guidelines.
Please STAY HOME if you have any of the symptoms listed:
Fever (100.0° Fahrenheit or higher), chills, or shaking chills
Cough (not due to other known cause, such as chronic cough)
Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Muscle aches or body aches
Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
Headache when in combination with other symptoms
Fatigue, when in combination with other symptoms
Nasal congestion or runny nose (not due to other known causes, such as allergies) when in combination with other symptoms
You have had close contact with a person known to be infected with Covid-19 in the last 14 days
You have traveled outside of Massachusetts in the past 14 days (except lower risk states)
If you have any of the above symptoms, contact your primary care provider for further instructions and get a test for active COVID-19 infection prior to returning to school unless another diagnosis was determined to cause your symptoms. A list of test sites is available here, and Massachusetts also has an interactive testing map.