Medication Policies
Medications (both prescription and over-the-counter drugs) should not be taken during school hours if it is possible to achieve the medical regimen at home. Medication to be taken three times a day can be given before school, after school and at bedtime.
A Consent for Medication Administration IS REQUIRED FOR ALL PRESCRIPTION AND NON-PRESCRIPTION MEDICATIONS taken during the school day.
To insure your child’s safety, all medications are to be delivered to school:
- In a pharmacy-labeled container. Ask the pharmacy to provide separate bottles for school and home.
- By the parent/guardian or designated adult, never with the child.
***No medications will be administered that arrive in baggies or envelopes.
Long Term Medications
Medications which must be taken during the school hours, on a long term basis, require the following forms to be on file in the school health office before any medication can be administered at school:
- A signed and completed Parent/Guardian Consent and Medication Administration Plan Consent for Medication Administration
- A current Medication Order, signed by the prescribing physician
Short Term Medications
Medications which must be taken during school hours on a short term basis require the following forms to be on file:
- A signed and completed Parent/Guardian Consent and Medication Administration Plan. Consent for Medication Administration
- A signed physician’s order or current prescription label.
Medication Retrieval
Parents/guardians may retrieve medications from the school at any time. All unused, discontinued or outdated medications shall be returned to the parent/guardian. All unused medications are to be picked up by the parent/guardian at the end of the school year, or they will be discarded.
Download PDF for Medication Policy Letter to Parent/Guardian
Download PDF for Consent for Medication Administration