Background Checks
All school employees hired after 2013 who work in the schools and may have direct and unmonitored contact with school children are required to complete state and national background checks. It is a condition of employment that all newly hired employees and sub-contractors be CORI-checked and fingerprinted prior to the start of their assignment. All volunteers in schools need to be CORI'd. Please see the details below. For more general information about background screenings, please visit:
Please complete this form and bring it with valid photo identification to your school's front office (if volunteering) or to Human Resources with the rest of your new employment packet. If you plan to be a school volunteer, you must also sign the acknowledgement on the second page. Thank you.
schedule appointment with identogo
For fingerprinting, visit the state-approved vendor called IndentoGo. They have locations in Haverhill, Methuen, Danvers, Billerica, Everett and Waltham. Go online and set up your appointment through their site. Bring an appropriate form of identification with you to the fingerprinting center.
When setting your appointment, choose the option to the far left "In-State Digital Fingerprinting Services (Live Scan)."
North Andover's "Provider ID" is 02110000. YOU WILL NEED THIS WHEN YOU SET UP YOUR APPOINTMENT.
$35 fee for non-licensed employees (teaching assistants, custodians, clerical staff, cafeteria employees & seasonal staff). $55 fee for license-holders (teachers & administrators). Credit card payments are accepted online.
Suitability Letters
If you have worked in another school system and had fingerprints done for that system already, you can request a "letter of suitability" from your previous workplace in order to avoid having to process them again. When requesting a letter, include your name, DOB, and the timeframe for your employment, as well as an email or mailing address to where the letter should be sent. Letters generally take 3-5 days to generate. Fingerprints results are valid for seven (7) years.