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Social & Emotional Learning

North Andover Public Schools is proud to announce that it has partnered with Care Solace in order to help support the mental health needs of our community. Care Solace is revolutionizing mental health care access, bridging the gap between social agencies and community-based mental health providers. Through a human-centered and technology supported approach, Care Solace navigates the fragmented mental health care system to match individuals with a licensed mental health or substance use provider. More than 500 dedicated multilingual Care Companions are available 24/7/365 to ensure the perfect fit for each person’s unique care needs and insurance requirements. The organization has a network of more than 420,000 licensed providers, serving more than 800 organizations across the United States. For more information or to seek support, please visit

Care Solace Family Flyer (English)

Care Solace Family Flyer (Spanish)

Massachusetts Partnerships for Youth (MPY) is pleased to announce its new MPY Parenting Solutions Library. The MPY Parenting Solutions Library is offered at no charge, in partnership with Peace At Home Parenting Solutions, a non-profit located in Mansfield, Connecticut. Peace At Home Parenting Solutions is a dynamic hub of trusted knowledge and compassionate support that inspires parents to create positive change for their children, their families and themselves. Through this new partnership, MPY is pleased to offer proven resources to help students’ families thrive. Check out this valuable resource at the following link:

MPY's Parenting Solutions Library

Earlier this year, the Massachusetts Behavioral Health Help Line went live in an effort to link MA residents with a wide range of behavioral health services. MBHHL currently:

  • Connects individuals and families to the full range of comprehensive treatment services for mental health and addiction offered in the Commonwealth, including outpatient, urgent, and immediate crisis intervention;
  • Provides real-time, live clinical triage and service navigation in multiple languages 24/7;
  • Collaborates with existing statewide services such as Mass 211, Bureau of Substance Addiction Services (BSAS) Substance Use Helpline, and 988, including protocols for connecting help-seekers and raising awareness about the statewide toll-free Behavioral Health Help Line.

To access the MBHHL, visit or dial 833-773-2445(BHHL).

Bullhorn icon

Spread the Word about 2-1-1

Remember that you can call 2-1-1 for help in a number of areas, particularly now when many people are feeling stressed, anxious or depressed. We all need help sometimes.

New Mental Health Crisis Helpline. Call 988 to get help from a mental health clinician now.

For more information and resources visit the crisis helpline website.


Handhold Massachusetts

Are you seeing changes in your child that are concerning? Should you worry about your child’s behavioral health? Visit for help.

SEL Vision Statement

North Andover's social emotional learning vision is to implement a district wide framework (MTSS) that supports the social, emotional and behavioral health needs of ALL students to improve academic outcomes resulting in a positive school culture and climate.

What is Social Emotional Learning?

"Social and emotional learning is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions." - CASEL

5 Core Competencies Taught Across Diverse Settings

CASEL's widely used Framework for Systemic Social and Emotional Learning identifies five core competencies that educate hearts, inspire minds, and help people navigate the world more effectively.

Just as important as the SEL competencies are the contexts for teaching them, the overall educational environment. SEL is not a single program or teaching method. It involves coordinated strategies across classrooms, schools, homes and communities, and districts.


Michelle O'Leary
Dir. of Social & Emotional Learning

Contact Info 

North Andover Public Schools
566 Main Street
North Andover, MA 01845
978-794-1503 - Main Number

Counseling Staff

Early Childhood Center

Adjustment Counselor
Jenny Ahlquist

Alexandra Meeker

Elementary Schools

Guidance and Adjustment Counselors
Atkinson - Susie Connolly
Atkinson - Lindsey Jordan
Kittredge - Karla Dulin
Thomson - Stacy Foster
Franklin - Amanda Kelly
Sargent - Jillian Connally   

SEL Program Therapist
Thomson - Shauna Levin
Kittredge - Meghan Pryor

Lauren Donovan
Mikaela Imbrogna
Kerry Lombardo

Middle School

Guidance and Adjustment Counselors
Jim Gosselin
Georgia Chute
Julia Faucher
Amanda Christiansen

SEL Program Therapist
Laura Stevens
Rachel Scribner

School Psychologists
Lindsey Chatterton

High School

SEL Program Therapist
Thomas DiStefano
Lauren Patnaude

Guidance & Adjustment Counselors
Megan Pinksten, Dir. of Guidance
Sara Coles
Megan Francis
Katie Hebert
Sarah Hickey
Olivia Manning
Kaitlin Rogato
Phong Tran

School Psychologist
Bree Canner


Behavior Analyst
Lisa Barinotto, BCBA
Hannah Manning, BCBA
Stefanie Kronenfeld, BCBA