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Healthy Relationships Coalition

Friends standing on a hill in front of a sunset

“RESPECTfully” Campaign Launched 

At the beginning of June 2019, under the leadership of Lt. Governor Polito, a statewide public awareness and prevention campaign launched, “RESPECTfully”, to promote healthy relationships to young people in order to prevent sexual assault and domestic violence. The campaign stems from the work of the Governor’s Council to Address Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence and targets youth ages 12-18. Get resources and learn more here:

Mission Statement
Purpose of the coalition is to improve communication and the culture in our school community that empowers student voice, increases education and awareness that promotes healthy relationship skills.


  • Increasing awareness about what constitutes a healthy relationship by defining characteristics using examples of acceptable vs. unacceptable behaviors.
  • Emphasizing that respect is essential for maintaining healthy friendships and romantic relationships.
  • Helping teens identify the escalating behaviors that lead to unhealthy or unsafe relationships and remove themselves from those relationships.

Coalition Team Members
The HRC consists of students, staff, administration, parents, and community organizations.


NAPS is partnering with the YWCA of Northeastern Massachusetts to implement a comprehensive plan to educate staff, parents and students to promote healthy relationships.